Your company will tell you to spend, spend, spend. But you can still
create a strong, successful agency without draining your bank
account and sending out hundreds of postcards (that don’t seem to
get you any business!) You won’t see expensive TV ads or
Newspaper inserts here...
Start implementing these items TODAY.
• Follow up with all prospects in less than 24 hours (the faster the better).
• Write down what makes you different from the agent down the street.
• Who is your ideal client? A family, a high risk driver, good credit, bad
• Have a professional Facebook Agency page.
• Join a local networking group (check out BNI or your local Chamber of
• Start a workshop for 1st time homebuyers.
• Network at local apartment complexes for Renters Insurance quotes.
• Post on your Facebook page DAILY. Make it conversational and not all
about boring insurance....(use our Agency Growth Subscription to have it
done for you).
• Start speaking for local organizations! Topic - How To Save Money On
Created by Robyn Sharp - Insurance Marketing Expert; Mega Agency Marketing; (682)224-2786;
• Carry your business cards everywhere!
• Winback! Do regular marketing to past clients to get them back. “Rates
have changed, can we quote you again?”
• Create a website that generates quotes (not just a boring branded site
from your company.)
• Create a simple Referral Rewards program.
• Send birthday cards to your clients.
• Follow up with every client after a claim report. Be their advocate and
make sure they are getting taken care of during the claims process.
• How can you give your clients more value than they expect?
• Cluster your appointments so you have more time for marketing.
• Do an annual campaign for Life Insurance in the fall to families with young
• Understand that selling insurance is NOT your purpose. Marketing your
agency, bringing in more prospects, and getting quotes is your purpose!
Train staff to handle the details so you can make the business more
• Where have your best clients come from?
• Use technology! Make contacting your agency simple for your clients.
• Keep a “Hot List” for easy follow up with current prospects.
• Ask your circle of contacts for referrals.
• Get testimonials when a client is happy!
Created by Robyn Sharp - Insurance Marketing Expert; Mega Agency Marketing; (682)224-2786;
• Take lots of photos. Use them on your website, social media, brochures,
everywhere. Show your personality.
• Don’t just “sell” a client, show them how you solve a problem.
• Tell everyone you meet what you do.
• Sponsor a local charity and give $1 for every new “Like” on your
Facebook page.
• Team up with others who share the same clients - Realtors, Mortgage
Lenders, etc.
• Strive for 100% referral based business!
• Make your office efficient, create systems for everything.
• Delegate mundane tasks to your staff. Focus on your strengths.
• Use scripts for everything from answering the phone, quoting a policy, to
making an endorsement.
• Break the rules - be open at different times, give out a cell phone number,
be different!
• Get on boards, get involved in the community, be everywhere.
• Prioritize - only work on things that make MONEY during your work hours.
• Celebrate each sale! Ring a bell, cheer, get your team excited (after the
customer leaves of course ;)
• Ask for suggestions from your clients. Accept criticism and always keep
• Be an expert.
Created by Robyn Sharp - Insurance Marketing Expert; Mega Agency Marketing; (682)224-2786;
• Be picky with who you choose to work on your team. Monitor, coach, and
consistently work to improve their skills.
• Make press contacts - when there is a story about insurance, you want
them to call you as an expert.
• Have a great email signature with links to your Facebook profile and
• Have a monthly marketing plan.
• Write handwritten thank you notes.
• Keep a spreadsheet with all news sales and where they came from (Walk
In, Referral, Yellow Pages, Internet, etc)
• Plan at least 3 personal lunches, breakfasts, or coffees each week to get
your name out.
• Make a list of local organizations that need speakers. (Rotary, Chamber,
Lions Club, etc)
• Remember, people don’t want to understand insurance. They want to
trust that you’ll take care of it for them.
• Write your goals down where they are visible for your entire team, every
day. Review regularly your progress.
• Do a semi-annual marketing campaign to clients who need a Personal
Umbrella. (High net worth, multi-line, etc)
• Role play closing the sale with your team members.
• Check the newspaper or for local groups that meet on a
regular basis. Try them out!
• Send a monthly email newsletter using a system like Constant Contact
Created by Robyn Sharp - Insurance Marketing Expert; Mega Agency Marketing; (682)224-2786;
• Do an annual review for all clients to review their coverage and look for
• Surprise clients with a special extra when they show up for an
appointment. (Free car wash?)
• Do a regular marketing campaign to monoline clients - postcards, email,
phone call.
• Do regular employee reviews twice a year.
• Host a free seminar for your clients - retirement planning, financial
planning for new parents, etc.
• Do a Flood Campaign to clients in flood zones before spring storms hit.
Start implementing and making progress today! The more you do, the
more results you will see. Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive to
be effective, it just has to be consistent.
Need help figuring out HOW to do this stuff? Go to to to learn more about our Agency Growth
Subscription for ONLY $57. Plus check out my blog for more free tips
and training!
Created by Robyn Sharp - Insurance Marketing Expert; Mega Agency Marketing; (682)224-2786;