I continually see missed opportunities when it comes to marketing online, so I’ve pulled together the top 5 common mistakes businesses make when it comes to their Facebook page. After reading this post, use it as a checklist to help make your Facebook page better and convert more people into a fan/join your email list/call/come in and buy/etc.
1. Cover Images. The cover image is the large photo on top of each Facebook page. This is the first thing people see when visiting your page. It is crucial to first of all have one (if you don’t know, just go to your Facebook page. Is there an image at the top?), and then to use it to support your business.
To decide what your cover image should be will depend upon your goals. Do you need people to come in? Join your email list? Enter your contest? Like you? Call you? Knowing your goals first will help establish what the cover image should be.
Next, create the cover image. For those of you who don’t work with a graphic designer, try usingPicMonkey.com to create a collage, or upload a picture of your business, display, products, etc., and add a banner with some text over the photo.
*Exciting Facebook News* Last month Facebook changed their terms so you can now have a Call to Action (CTA) on your cover image (hip hip, hooray!). A call to action you might have is:
- ‘Call to make an appointment for a free consultation’ and list your phone number.
- ‘Click Like’ or ‘Click the Shop Tab’ with an arrow pointing to these – see example below.
- ‘RSVP for our next event!’ and list the URL where they can RSVP, or an arrow to the Event tab.
- ‘Buy one, get one free!’ with a picture of the BOGO item(s).
- ‘New this week, come in before they’re gone!’ or ‘Check out this month’s new menu items’ again with product/food pictures.
Note: You cover image cannot contain more than 20% text. Use this tool I found to check your cover image before uploading to your page. Also, I suggest changing your cover image 2-4 times a month. It’s important to have fresh, timely content and when you change your cover image, it goes into your Fan’s Newsfeed that you did so, which gives you some extra exposure.
2. Profile Picture. I work with a lot of businesses who use a picture of a product or the inside of their business as their profile picture. These can be great photos to have as your cover image, but not necessarily your profile picture.
The profile picture follows you around on Facebook so you want it to be something memorable that represents your brand. Using your logo/business colors is one way of establishing this. Another is by having a picture of you or a few employees. Keep in mind that the profile picture is typically very small and seen within the Newsfeed and when you comment on a post.
Having too much text, a long business name, a big logo, a picture of a showroom, picture of lots of products, etc., will be really hard to see at such a small size. Keep it clean, easy to read and branded to represent your business. I suggest rarely changing this as it is what people build recognition with on Facebook.
3. List your website & email address. This is such a big pet peeve of mine and one of the most common mistakes I see businesses do (especially local businesses). Within the About section of your page, make sure you add your website address, as well as other sites you might be listed on like Pinterest, Twitter, your blog, Yelp, YouTube, etc.
Also, list your email address! Remember that we live in a digital world. If someone has a question, they might not want to call you or send you a message on Facebook because they want to keep their personal profile private. List all the ways people can contact you, making it easy for everyone because we all communicate differently.
4. App Images. Did you know that the four boxes below your cover image can be customized? Meaning, you can upload a picture to represent each app/tab. If you notice on the image below, this page has custom images for each tab that matches their brand and has a CTA like ‘Shop’ or ‘Contact’.
To change these, click the down arrow to the right of the fourth tab, then however over the image you want to change and click on the Pencil icon in the top right corner. Then select “Edit Settings” and then select “Change” next to ‘Custom Tab Image:’ Upload from your computer and you’re all set. You can find dimensions for Application Icons (also known as tabs) as well as cover image dimensions here.
Note: The Photos tab (the first square) will always be the most recent photo you uploaded. You cannot create something custom for that section and you cannot move it from the first position. Events tab will always be a picture of your most recent event page’s picture. Maps will always be a picture of a map. And likes will always be a picture of the thumb with the # of likes (tip – I always suggest moving that tab out of the top four. Your likes are already listed next to your profile picture, no need to list it twice).
5. Content on Timeline. This is a biggie. The above tips will help you have a consistent look and feel that matches your brand and is in line with your business goals. This tip is all about connecting with your customers and staying top of mind AND relevant.
Take a look at the content you’ve posted on your business Facebook Timeline over the past few weeks. Which posts got the most likes/comments/shares? Which didn’t get any interactions? This easy exercise helps you see which posts your network reacts to and likes interacting with. You’ll want to continue doing more posts like these.
Then look to see if you’ve asked any questions, or see if there’s any posts that relate to your audience, or give them advice or tips on how to do something within their lives, at work, in their homes, with their kids, etc. (This will depend upon what your business does and who your audience is).
It is crucial that you post content that is engaging, helpful, fun, inspiring, etc., to your audience. It isn’t all about you – it’s all about your customer. Take a few minutes and think about what they read, what things in their lives you could help them with, and what conversations would you have with them if they were standing in front of you?
Chances are you wouldn’t be telling them over and over about the products you carry/your sales/special offers or coupons, right? Chances are you’d be asking them about themselves, about their day, or talking about current events, local community projects, the weather, a funny story and so on.
Make sure 80% of your posts are more general and relates to your ideal customer. This type of content is much easier for them to engage with, which will build their relationship with you. 20% can be about your sales, events, promotions, new arrivals, announcements, etc.
Do this now: Go to your page and:
- Look at your Cover Image. Does it support your goals? Have a CTA? Contain less than 20% text?
- Is your profile picture easy to see/read? Does it represent your brand & business?
- Click on your About section and see what websites are listed. Are all your social media sites included? Is your email address listed?
- Can the four boxes under the Cover Image (apps/tabs) be customized? Do they have a CTA? Is there a way to collect an email address?
- Look at the content you’ve posted on your Timeline. Pay attention to the posts that got the most likes/comments/shares and do more like those.
- Look for areas of opportunities with your content like asking questions, giving tips, posting interesting local news or articles, etc. Are you having a conversation with your audience, or are you just talking to them? Remember, you want to add value and have a conversation.