By Pam Lutey
According to the dictionary, Mindset is your mental attitude. In other words, what you think about things. If you set your mind to do something it will most times come true. You set your sites and goals in the direction you want to go. Suppose you want to get an A on a test. You set your mind to thinking that you already have achieved that goal and most times it will happen. You study your lesson and know it very well. With your mindset on achieving an A, and knowing what you do, most of the time you will achieve it. If you want to be a great swimmer, you set your mind to thinking you are a great swimmer and with lots of practice and determination, you will become a great swimmer. If you study successful athletes, you will find that most see themselves already winning. They practice until they are the very best, but their mindset sees them as already winning. Think about Tiger Woods. Did he just become a great golfer? No, he practiced and practiced and had a winning mindset. You will find that all great people have a winning mindset.
The number one businesses set their goals and then go after them. Their minds are on achieving that goal. They set up steps to reach it. They continue to do these steps until the goal is obtained.
Usually in January or perhaps August, we think about our goals again. We sit down with a pad and paper and jot down what we would like to accomplish. Some people have a goals book. Some people put each goal on a 3 x5 index card and review them each day. Whatever works for you is what you should use. Many times we do this and don't review them daily and guess what....most of the time they don't get done.
I am starting this book with this chapter because this is what the top 1% of business owners do and guess what, that is why they are number one. If you want to be #1 or just want to accomplish a certain goal, simply write it down and look at it daily.
Ask yourself the following questions. What is your life purpose? Are you doing what you truly are passionate about? The top 1% of businesses are passionate about their business and love going to work each day. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, you might want to rethink it. Think about what you are truly interested in doing. This is probably your passion and if you can gear your life’s work in that direction, you have a very good chance of being in the top 1%.
Do you have goals? Are they written down? If not, start a list of goals you would like to do over your lifetime. Keep these in a book or on a list and review this list twice daily. Keeping goals in front of you on paper will increase your chances of achieving them
Do you believe in what you do? Pick a niche that you are really interested in and can promote 100%. If you don’t believe in your business your customers won’t either.
Vow to never give up. Be Persistent.
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