Nobody adopts, rescues or purchases a cat with the hope that the new pet will develop behavior problems.
The dream you have of life with your new cat involves one of
companionship, good behavior and many long years together. Unfortunately
though, things can go wrong for a variety of reasons and you may find
yourself living with a cat who has now developed one or more unwanted
behaviors. It’s frustrating, to say the least, for everyone concerned –
most especially the cat.
If you knew you were dealing with a medical problem, the answer would
be very clear, right? If your cat started bleeding, limping, had
stopped eating, was coughing, seemed in pain or was lethargic you’d call
your veterinarian to set up an appointment immediately. But when it
comes to behavior problems, some pet parents tend to make assumptions,
over-complicate or under-evaluate. In other words, we tend to think we
know why the cat is misbehaving and then we create our own solution to
the situation. The problem with this plan is that some pet parents
misread the behavior and as a result, the solution becomes either
ineffective or counter-productive. A common example of this is when a
cat parent assumes a cat’s unwanted behavior display is because kitty is
“mad” or is “getting even.” Thinking that an animal has the ability to
come up with planned out punitive action in order to get back at a
family member creates a break in the human/animal bond. The relationship
starts to change in that the cat parent begins viewing the cat as an
adversary who must be put back in his place. The other option is that
the cat parent goes overbroad in trying to make up to the “ticked off”
kitty in order to win back his love and approval. All the while, the cat
parent is missing the actual cause of the behavior problem and using up
valuable time that could be better spent looking for the right
The Top Cat Behavior Problems
When it comes to behavior problems in cats, the specific causes and
details are impossible to document in an article because each situation
is based on your cat’s unique circumstances, but the broad behavior
categories most often seen in cats are:
Litter box avoidance
Urine marking
Furniture scratching
Aggression toward people
Inter-cat aggression
1. Time to See the Veterinarian
Regardless of how convinced you are that the problem is behavioral or
that kitty is acting out of anger or spite, the first call you should
make is to your veterinarian. There are many medical conditions that could be the underlying cause for an unwanted behavior. For example:
- a cat may be displaying aggression toward you when you pet him because he’s in physical pain
- a cat may be eliminating outside of the litter box due to a urinary tract issue
- a cat may might have become fearful of people because of vision problems
- the overgrooming that a cat is displaying might be due to hyperthyroidism
thorough check-up by the veterinarian is always the first step when it
comes to dealing with a behavior problem. Once your cat gets a clean
bill of health, look at the problem from his point of view and not
yours. My think like a cat
technique is based on simply looking at the environment from the
perspective of what a cat needs and whether the situation encourages the
cat to engage in natural behavior or whether it creates stress. Look at
all behavior problems with a think like a cat eye-view for effective
problem-solving. Here are some other examples to get you thinking in the
right cat-direction:
- A cat may have stopped using the litter box because another cat has ambushed him there
- Litter box avoidance might be due to the fact that there are too many cats and not enough boxes
- A cat may be spraying because a new cat was introduced into the household
- A cat may be showing aggression toward visitors because he wasn’t properly socialized to people
- A cat may be hiding in fear because the family dog wasn’t properly and safely introduced
- A cat may be scratching the sofa because there’s no appealing scratching post around
- A cat may unexpectedly attack a companion cat because he just returned from the veterinarian and smells threateningly different
2. Act Early
Don’t wait on a behavior problem with the
hope that it’ll resolve itself. If you have two cats who are not getting
along and you’re of the mind that they’ll “work it out” you may be
setting them up to establish an ongoing tense relationship. If you
notice your cat has peed on the carpet and assume this is a one-time
event, you may miss the fact that kitty has already peed in a number of
undetected places. Don’t wait when it comes to a problem. The earlier
you address it, the greater the chance of success.
3. Be a Detective
You won’t be able to successfully solve the behavior problem unless
you know what’s causing it. If your cat is peeing outside of the litter
box, the problem may have less to do with the litter box itself but
might have more to do if the fact that a companion cat is stalking and ambushing him
every time he walks down the hall in the direction of where the litter
box is located. In that case, you’d now have the information you need so
start a behavior modification plan that would not only include adding
more litter boxes in secure locations but would also include addressing
the cat-to-cat relationship. Working on a behavior problem requires you
to first uncover the cause (as best as you can) so you can then create a
specific plan or make appropriate environmental modifications.
4. Never Punish
Any type of punishment, whether it’s spanking, shaking, scruffing,
squirting with water, electronic correction, rubbing the cat’s nose in
his mess or yelling, will only serve to elevate your cat’s stress level.
It doesn’t send the message to the cat that the behavior he displayed
was unwanted – it sends the message that he should fear his owner
because of the threat of physical pain. This method of problem
correction will damage the bond you share with your cat, decrease his
trust of you, increase his fear and could even lead to a more serious
problem such as aggression. If he’s now unsure whether the hand coming
toward him is going to stroke him or strike him, he may lash out in
defense if the option to get away isn’t available.
5. Create a Road Map
Rather than punish your cat for what NOT to
do, create a road map that clearly defines what TO do. This doesn’t
just mean placing a scratching post in the room to magically get your
cat to stop scratching the furniture. What it means is to create an effective “think like a cat” roadmap. The scratching post you
put out needs to meet the cat’s needs (tall, sturdy, covered in an
appealing material, placed in a good location) in order to have the
furniture become less appealing. If your cat is eliminating outside of
the litter box because the box is not being kept clean, swatting the cat
isn’t going to solve the problem – cleaning the litter box more often
is the answer. Set the cat up to succeed by providing a better option
when it comes to the behavior you want displayed. How would you feel if
your boss kept telling you what NOT to do and focused on what you do
wrong and never encouraged you by showing you what TO do and
acknowledging what you’ve done right?
6. Regain Trust
If you’ve punished your cat or if he has experienced stress and
anxiety due to the behavior issue, this is the time to work on
rebuilding the bond of trust. You may not feel like playing with him,
creating fun games, petting him or doing things that instill calmness
and security but that’s exactly what you should do. Believe it or not,
any behavior problem he’s experiencing is already causing him lots of
stress. He needs to know you are a source of security and comfort. If he
doesn’t have that from you he’ll distance himself even more.
7. Stay Calm
Even if your cat has just urinated on your extremely expensive sofa,
if you panic and start getting upset (even if you don’t punish the cat),
your little furry emotional sponge will pick up on your stress. If he’s
stressed out enough about something to pee on the sofa and then he sees
you acting like a raging maniac, it will only confirm in his head that
the bottom has really fallen out of the world as he knows it. This will
elevate his anxiety level and I can pretty much guarantee you that it
will then increase the chances of even more behavior problems. Panicking
and getting upset about the soiled sofa won’t do anything about getting
the stain out. It will only add more damage to an already tense
8. Remember to Praise
Let your cat know when he has done something right. Again, it comes
down to creating that effective road map. No matter how small of a step
he may make, if it’s a step in the right direction, reward him with
praise (a treat couldn’t hurt either).
9. Know When You Need Help
Some behavior problems are beyond the cat parent’s ability. If the
problem is too serious, dangerous or you simply don’t feel equipped to
figure it out yourself, seek qualified professional help. Contact your
veterinarian for a referral to a cat behavior expert.
There are many people on the internet who claim to be experts and
whisperers but they lack the ethics, qualifications and experience. Make
sure the expert you choose has the credentials and experience because
an unqualified person
could make the problem worse. If you’re in doubt, ask your veterinarian
for a referral to a veterinary behaviorist, certified applied animal
behaviorist or a certified cat behavior consultant.
10. Don’t Give Up
Your cat is a member of the family and one who deserves your time and
attention to solving whatever is bothering him. Working on a behavior
problem isn’t a magical overnight fix and it will require a commitment
on your part but the pay-off is well worth it. Too many cats end up in
shelters because families don’t realize that behavior modification can
change unwanted behavior problems. When we bring a cat into our lives we
take on the commitment of making sure we’ve provided what that precious
animal needs to thrive and be happy. Fortunately, you’re not alone on
this journey. There are so many resources available and the number of
qualified behavior professionals throughout the world is increasing
every year.
Need More Information?
For more specific information on training your cat and solving
unwanted behavior problems, refer to Pam Johnson-Bennett’s books. Think Like a Cat is a comprehensive behavior and health manual for all life stages. Starting from Scratch exclusively covers adult cat behavior problems. Cat vs. Cat is for multicat household issues.
Pam Johnson-Bennett is the star of
Psycho Kitty airing on Discovery UK. She is author of seven best-selling books on cat behavior including
Think Like a Cat: how to raise a well-adjusted cat – not a sour puss.
Think Like a Cat has
become known as the cat bible. Pam is considered a pioneer in the field
of cat behavior consulting. In addition to her television series and
public speaking engagements, Pam owns Cat Behavior Associates, a private
veterinarian-referred behavior company in Nashville, TN. Cat Behavior
Associates offers private cat behavior appointments on a limited basis.
Pam Johnson-Bennett is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant.